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What a Grind. Hyde @ Post, San Francisco. I come here because a) they accept card b) they have an amazing veggie sandwich c) coffee is a buck and d) there are two comfy couch chairs that no one else seems to enjoy occupying. Basically it’s perfect for reading, writing, texting and thinking on a cold day like this one.

Though people are always popping in and out, the sitting area is quiet and open. Usually I find three or four greys sitting around the center table talking about politics. They speak slowly and deliberately, their freckled hands shake when they gesture, and man do they have opinions. I imagine these are the folk that have lived in the Tenderloin -or more likely, on Post and Hyde- for the past 30 years.

The owner is a Palestinian guy, judging by the “Free Palestine: End the Occupation” bumper stickers slapped onto his coffee makers. Today he asked about my job and we got onto the subject of art. He then shared with me,

“Two things I could never do in life are draw and play music. I’m only good at three things. Politics, business, and women.”

Politics and business, still got it. Not so sure about the third, although I did look him in the eye real quick to see if I was missing something. Nope, big old guy with grey balding hair. Either way, he runs a tight ship here working by himself and keeping everyone happy. The brew’s hot, the internet’s fast, and my tan lazy boy is oh so comfy. Coffee House Revival round two, success.

“Ponderings of a Rocknerd” Moved!